Saturday, January 14, 2012

Maybe we will have 6 kids - all girls!

So as I mentioned in my first post, Justin and I have been joking around lately about having 6 kids. I am one of six and I SO enjoyed spending time with my siblings this Christmas! When there are that many kids around there is always something fun to do, someone to hang out with, and plenty of talking, laughing, and story-telling!
Last night Justin and I got to see what it would be like to have so many children. We babysat for Justin's three nieces and their two cousins, so we had 5 girls all under the age of 8.

Now I know babysitting is not the same as actually having that many kids, but it was still fun to pretend they were all ours!

There were a few hectic moments... that many girlies talking all at the same time, asking for different things,  can get very LOUD and really high pitched!

But we really had fun!

The girls put on a pretend wedding for Jus and I (their idea). They had music playing as we entered the "church" A.K.A the playroom. A miniature mojo megaphone with stuffed animals inside was a very creative idea for my bouquet!

They pronounced us "married forever until we died" and then we had a Justin Bieber dance party/reception =) I hope our real wedding is that much fun!

Here they are getting ready for the ceremony

After the wedding, we all tried our hand at face painting.

The girls are butterfly fairies and Justin was a pirate (with painted-on earrings!) He is such a good sport!

Very fun way to spend a Friday night. I’ll get back to ya’ll about the 6 kids!

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