Friday, December 30, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

I keep thinking one of these years I will be finished Christmas shopping by December 1st and spend the month of December relaxing and reflecting.... Maybe that can be my goal for next year!

It always seem like Christmas sneaks up on me! This year UTPB was in session a week longer than usual as well... So that threw me for a loop!

After school was out, Justin and I had fun decorating gingerbread houses with our friends Lexi and Greg! They are a super fun couple and they are getting married two weeks after us :)

I did all of my Christmas shopping the week before Christmas. It was a little hectic but all gifts were purchased by Dec 23rd! Just in time for the snow showers we received the 24th and 25th :) Odessa, TX had 4-6 inches of snow!! First white Christmas in 13 years.

Here is a view of my grandparent's back yard

Soo pretty! My favorite thing about snow is that it makes our west Texas desert look so beautiful. It covers up any dead grass, trash, or cactus with a blanket of pure and perfect white. Just like what Jesus does for us, he covers up all of our mistakes and ugliness and it looks to him as if we are fresh, white, and pure. The freedom that comes from that is AMAZING.

We decided to celebrate this rare snowfall with some sledding over the hills of the Mission Dorado golf course (probably the only hills in Odessa lol)

My Aunt and Uncle let us use some boogie boards meant for surfing the Monahans sand hills. They also provided us with hot chocolate and a fire to warm up by after sledding. They are great!

Check us out!

We had a BLAST. I thought Justin was going to break an arm several times though. So glad he didn't! We have some very entertaining videos that I'll try to post on here.

5 of my 6 siblings were here for Christmas! Along with their awesome kids. I love being an aunt!

Look at all of those stockings! I love this stocking wall, it just reminds me of how blessed we are to be surrounded by so many people who love us. I had such a great time with my siblings this Christmas that Justin and I have decided we want six kids!! :) we'll get back to you after we have the first one though lol.

Look at all of these presents! It was a little chaotic but that's the way we like it!

And here we are at church on Christmas eve. Man I love these people!

Here is our attempt at a funny picture... Pretty funny I think :)

Justin knows I am obsessed with coffee and he surprised me with a Keurig for our future home!!

Oh man!! I was PUMPED

My sister Julie got me this adorable "Mrs. Maroney" apron! I love wearing it!

We gave my mom a pretty cool gift this year and it didn't cost anything! All six of us wrote her a letter telling her how much we love her and how much we appreciate her selfless love, it's never-ending, and always enough for all of us! She cried and cried!

I am so blessed to have her as a momma and my siblings feel the same way!

Another lady that we love dearly is Justin's Nana Erma Maroney. For Christmas this year, Nana gave us a cookbook with a lot of "Maroney family" recipes! We are so excited to try these out! Nana and uncle Brad helped us make the homemade cinnamon rolls from the book the day after Christmas!

They were melt in your mouth, unbelievably good! Check out my Love!

Nana left the Tuesday after Christmas and flew to Dallas. Unfortunately she had an accident and broke her hip in the airport :(

After many prayers and a successful surgery, she is recovering in a Dallas hospital.

She is such a trooper and is staying in good spirits! We are going to visit her this weekend.

We had a wonderful Christmas! I am so thankful God sent Jesus to save us. This was my second Christmas knowing the Lord and I can't wait to spend many more praising him!

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