Monday, March 4, 2013

Whats new with us? Just about everything!


Whats new with us? Well...just about everything. They say everything changes when you have a baby.. yep that is whats new with us, we are expecting! A sweet little baby some time in late October =)  For now we are calling Him/Her "Baby M" (for Maroney)

My goal throughout this pregnancy is to document as much of what is going on as possible! I know I will want to look back one day and know what all I was thinking.

Week 3 
I already felt pregnant! I kept thinking, I am going to feel so silly if I'm not! As early as 3dpo I am feeling nausea at Church. My stomach was growling from hunger towards the end of the service and while this is normal, the accompanying "gaging" sensation was not. Weird! This gagging feeling/nausea continued from 3dpo - 8 dpo (the time I had to wait to take the pregnancy test) around 6dpo, I developed a runny nose and sore throat, a little searching on google lead me to find that this is a pregnancy symptom! Hmmm...could it really be? I also have the urge to hug every single student I teach... hormones?? My temperature is also up and I am running a low grade fever during the day.

 FINALLY Saturday rolled around (9dpo)  and for the first time, I looked down to find myself absent midely cradeling my tummy with my hand... weird! I told Justin I know it is sooo early but I just have to test today! I took a test that wasn't early detection and shouldn't have shown me anything for at least 5 more days... but what do you know! It had a faint postive line =) after this test, Justin ran to and got me 2 clear blue digital early detection tests... both of them? POSTIVE!!!!!!!! Justin picked me up and screamed with excitement =) and then he grabbed my hand and said "we have to pray!!" We got down on our knees and thanked God for this miracle, for allowing us to be parents. We prayed for safety for our baby and that our baby would one day come to know our God and our savior Jesus Christ who has saved Justin and I from the pit and transformed us in every way. 

I called Julie (my twin sister) and told her immediately. She came right over with our first baby gift!! Newbown diapers (never to early to stock up right?) and a sweet Teddy bear for baby M.

Here were some of my thoughts from my journal that I wrote right after finding out I was pregnant. We found out really early and I have since had more time to adjust:

"And here we are 3 weeks and 4 days along.It is not common to know you are pregnant so early but listen here Jack, me and the hubs have been wondering like crazy wanting to know. Our parents laughed that we told them only 8 hours after getting our first positive test, but we waited 2 weeks for that test!!! Longest two weeks of my life people.

 I sit here now documenting these thoughts while Jus is asleep. (Better get all the sleep you can dude) and I just took my 4th positive test. It is finally starting to sink in a little and can I be honest? I am kind of sorta thinking what have we done!!! Lol  Justin is beyond excited. I am too! I am just a control freak… and man this is uncharted waters.Plus EVERYONE told us to wait and “get to know each other” first.  Well we did date for 3 years before getting married,  newlyweds of 8 months, the college degrees are finished, we both love our jobs, and most importantly we know this baby (so weird to say that) is a gift from God.
For the next 9 months we will be trusting in Him and leaning not on our own understanding. We are so thankful that we were able to get pregnant so easily and we are praying for a healthy son or daughter. We always wanted to be semi-young parents too! (We will be 26 and 25 around the suspected due date of October 2013)
I am also counting on Him to help me ease into this new stage of Life.  My Father knows me better than anyone. So I am sure he will send many mentors and scriptures, everything we need, our way."

The rest of this week was spent telling our family one by one. They are so excited for us! At 12 dpo, I have my first encounter with the pregnancy "super smell" This ecxert is from the notes section of my iphone:

"12dpo - Super smell sense is here. Guys at office came back from hamburger place today and I could smell hamburgers on them like crazy, I could smell the onions, the pickles. I mentioned to my coworker when she walked in that I was sorry it smelled like hamburgers, but just so she was THOSE guys...when she says um I don't smell anything. Are you kidding? I can smell the different burger toppings! You can't smell anything??"

At 13 dpo, I logged this note in my iphone

"Super tiredness kicked in tonight after pizza with Gma. By 8:45 my eyes were drooping."

4 weeks

Our 4 week gift to ourselves, was to tell everyone on facebook =) its public knowledge now!  This is how we broke the news:

Justin and Jenny sitting in a tree...

K I SS I N G...

First comes love...

Then comes marriage...

Then comes the Maroneys with a baby carriage...

At 14 dpo I logged this note in my iphone

"Started eating a piece of bush's chicken. Thought after first bite: yum this is sooo good! Thought After one piece: eww I don't want any more of that."

Lots of weird twinges...I read in a book that my uterus and ligaments are stretching. It feels like it for sure!

I am feeling more and more tired.

5 weeks

The food aversions have since continued along with the fatigue, prenatal vitamins are helping though! I will be so blessed if this is as bad as the food thing gets though! It is for sure tolerable. The hormones however??? Not so fun! This is how I celebrated Valentines day...the day that marked "5 weeks"

"I punched my husband… a pregnancy story.
 I really don’t know how it happened. We had a great Valentines “day” with no arguments or hurt feelings (other than my normal hormone issues) I said good night and headed to bed while he stayed up and did some stuff. However, the “stuff” he was doing (shaving, burning a CD, jackhammering concrete) (that last one may be an exaggeration) was LOUD. He must have woken me up 3 or 4 times, probably unintentionally, but do pregnancy hormones care about intention???? No.
The next thing I know, I am up out of bed charging to find Him to demand WHY IN THE WORLD he has to make so much noise?!!! Remember me? The person who is GROWING your child??  Ya I need my beauty sleep.
All I know is that his reply must not have been the SENSITIVE, caring, response I was looking for. The next thing I know, I’ve reared back with all my pregnant might and punched him in the arm… pretty hard. 
His reaction? Shock…anger…laughter…more anger… “are you serious????” “really???”
I (still furious) turn right around and walk back to bed. This time to fall asleep successfully.
The next morning, as I stumbled around making breakfast in my morning sleepy haze, he greets me, “hi there Muhammad Ali…how you feeling today?”
Utter embarrassment washes over me as his joke brings back a memory… did I really punch my husband???? My wonderful husband???
 I apologize and hug him and tell him he is the best husband ever and this will NEVER happen again.
He smiles and pats me on the back, assures me he loves me, (and probably thinks to himself…35 more weeks…only 35 more weeks)"

That is all the updates I have for now folks! Stay tuned! More coming soon. Justin and I are so excited for this journey. We are tying to seek the Lord in every way. We know He is in charge and watching over us! (all 3 of us!)

Love - The Maroneys and baby M


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