Monday, March 4, 2013

on being an adult and resisting the mundane

Just a few thoughts about life right now. WE have passed the six and seven week marks (see photos below) and this Thursday marks 8 weeks! Very exciting!  (btw if you see a may be a bump... it may be girl scout cookies)

We are getting ready to jet off to Washington D.C. next week, while I am off from teaching, for spring break. Some awesome friends of ours are meeting us there and we cannot wait!
The Monday after we return from our trip is our first official doctor’s appointment with our OB. Whoo hoo! Can’t wait to see our little one.
On another note, I have been thinking a lot lately about my life and how it looks right about now. There are many things to be happy about (new baby, new house) but I have just been in a funk lately. Pregnancy hormones you ask? Maybe but I think it is more than that
I think it has to do with working full time. Now before any of you roll your eyes because I am whining… well actually roll away because I am whining but I don’t care. Here is the thing, all throughout college I worked part time. Never more than 20-25 hours. I also went to school full time though (taking 15 hours usually) I thought this was the same as working full time… I was wrong.
You see, in college my schedule still changed from day to day and week to week. Things were new and fun.  I had some classes MWF and some on T/TH. Every semester I got a new course load of exciting stuff.
Even though I love what I do now (it is a “make a difference” type of job and for a Christian non-profit which is awesome) things are just different.
When you work full time… you do the same things…every week (at least at my job you do) and it is TIRING, no make that exhausting.
 You get in these routines and you know the word “mundane” starts to come to mind. After 9 months of the same things… I miss my old life.
I am so tired of working Monday through Friday, cleaning and laundry on Saturday, church and grocery store on Sunday, rinse, wash, and repeat!!!
This may just be part of being an adult but I am rebelling. Starting today I am going to find small ways to mix up my routine.
 For example, today at lunch I bought the oh so exciting new “ Orange Tropical Remix” gum at the 7-11 across from work. I normally only chew Cinnamint gum…that I buy in a 4pack…from isle 23…on Sundays when I grocery shop at HEB. (Always HEB)
One small step for gum, one giant leap for rebelling against mundaneness.
Sounds dumb but the point is, I think that you start to lose part of yourself when you work full time (a.k.a officially become an adult). You lose part of your fun spirit, part of your spontaneity.  I don’t think you have to though.
I am sure our spring break trip will help these feelings a lot, but in addition I am going to get intentional about enjoying every day of this awesome life I have to live, thanking God for it, and who knows maybe randomly having doughnuts for breakfast on a Wednesday. (even if they are really bad for you) I am going to be reminding myself that this is the day the Lord has made! What can I do to make it a meaningful one? Can I win souls to the Kingdom? Set a good example; change the lives of the students I teach??

Fight the mundaneness of being an adult people. Don’t surrender.

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