Thursday, August 2, 2012

An Update - August 2012

Wow! Hard to believe we have almost been married for 2 months. These past  8 weeks have flown by!
First a little update on what is going on in our lives,
We have had so many changes.
 To begin with, one of the hardest changes, I lost my Grandfather Archie Brown in May.  It was very unexpected. My grandfather was 86 years old but he still went to work at his computer business every week.  Although I knew he couldn’t be with us forever, it was really hard to lose our family’s patriarch. We were very close and we had planned for him to dance with me during the father and daughter dance at my wedding. Very hard stuff.
But through it all, the Lord granted us this unbelievable peace that I have never felt before.
I still can’t believe how much God wrapped us in his arms and helped us through it. Some days are still hard for sure.  I’ll be going to my family’s lake house this weekend for the first time without him. So many memories there.  More to come about my awesome Grandfather. I’m going to write a series of blogs called “lessons from Archie” about things he taught me. One thing is for sure, his memory lives on through every member of my family, because we were all changed for the better by knowing him.
More changes…
Since May, Justin and I have graduated college, gotten married, moved, and started new jobs. WHEW. That is quite a bit for someone (me) who doesn’t always like change, but I know we are being stretched and grown for the better. I feel like I learn so much more each week =)
Now for the million dollar question. How is married life?
Married life is great. It’s also hard. Sometimes it’s so much fun =)) and sometimes the fact that we are totally adults now is a little overwhelming…. But I love being a wife. I just started a new study called “The beautiful Wife” by Sandy Ralya with some friends who are also recently married.  About being a beautiful wife on the inside. We are LOVING it! Can’t say enough how awesome it is to have people in your life who are in similar seasons.
Speaking of friends one of my dearest friends, the newly married Lexi Weaver, is leaving this Sunday for Virginia with her husband Greg. So excited for what God has planned for them at Liberty University. Jus and I will sure miss them though.   We can’t wait to come visit them and see their new home!
Our home… is such a blessing =) in this crazy Odessa economy we never thought we would find a reasonable apartment. But the Lord answered prayers we had been sending up and gave us one out of NOWHERE.
Its 500 square foot efficiency and man are we thankful.  We’ve had to be creative with space, but really it is all we need for now. We have had a really great time decorating it and making it a home.
On a last note… Jus and I are very excited about our new jobs. I am working as a prevention trainer at The Life Center in Midland. I’m in training right now to go into schools this fall to talk to kids about goals and boundaries and all kinds of fun stuff. (Including sexual integrity ;)  More to come about the exciting world of being a sex ed teacher. Yes folks. True story that is my job!

God is good and we are thankful.

The Maroneys

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